How I missed you. I have had nothing to procrastinate about for so long, now I am remembering all too well how good I am at it!

This is what my morning looked like today. Sitting outside, trying to enjoy the sun and any warmth left, and trying to get my head around my new subjects. If I can just get my first lesson plan for each class worked out I should be right...fingers crossed. Of course I had just set up and started reading through the information when it started to rain, rain on an angle, right onto all my notes. I know I shouldn't complain as we need all the rain we can get in this drought. But as you can see moving everything back inside allowed me more time to procrastinate.

Anyhow amongst my piles of print outs and papers from the school, I have been enjoying reading
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Drawing. Feeling a bit worried about a new subject, which focuses on technically accurate drawing, I bought this book. It is such a practical book and has so many great activities and great tips which can easily be turned into lesson plans. I love the Complete Idiot's Guides. So helpful.

I particularly love Frederick Frank's 10 Commandments for Drawing.
1. You shall draw everything and everyday
2. You shall not wait for inspiration, for it comes not while you work but while you wait
3. You shall forget all you think you know and, even more, all you have been taught
4. You shall not adore your good drawings and promptly forget your bad ones.
5. You shall not draw with exhibitions in mind, or any critique but yourself
6. You shall trust non but your own eye, and make your hand follow it
7. You shall consider consider the mouse you draw as more important than the contents of all the museums in the world, for...
8. You shall love ten thousand things with all your heart and a blade of grass as yourself
9. Let each drawing be your first
10. You shall not worry about "being your time" for you are your time and it is brief.
So inspiring. I think I will use this as my classroom commandments.

There was another reason for some good procrastination. Yet again the postie delivered a lovely parcel with lovely birthday pressies form an equally lovely Aunt, Thank you so much, it was just what I needed when faced with a day of planning and study!
Tomorrow I will be posting a special post, my first Blog Request! and then I will be off to Queensland so will be taking a good week long blog break.
( Phew...I told you I was procrastinating...this is one heck of a long post! I am going to go work now, really I am)