You were born on the 23rd July. It wasn't quite the birth that Mamma envisaged but she is now just happy you are out and so cute! Everyone thinks you look like someone different, Mamma thinks you look like Daddy, Grumpy thinks you look like Great Uncle Marcus and Aunty Elizabeth, the midwife thought you were a good mix between Mum and Dad.

You were the biggest baby in the maternity ward. But you still have the cutest, teeny hands and feet. At three weeks old though you no longer fit that cute red and white suit you are wearing in the photo above (It is a bit unfair though as your cloth nappies make your bottom about four times the size it actually is!).
You had some trouble feeding in your first week. You lost 9% of your birth weight (which was 8lb 10oz). The good thing to come out of that though is that you don't mind drinking from Mamma or from a bottle. This means Daddy gets to feed you too. He loves feeding you because you stare up at him while you are eating. Now you love eating and we are having a lot more success. Mamma even did her first outdoor feed at Mornington.

You do quite a lot of crying and screaming! You have very good lungs and can scream extremely loudly. You don't like going down for your sleeps and we have to do a lot of comforting to get you to nap. Although usually you give us a good night sleep and only wake for one feed in the night. Which we thank you for.

you love being held and Mamma and Daddy often put you in carriers to help calm you down. Lots of hugs in bed also seems to work when getting you to sleep for the night.

You love baths and are getting better at having your nappy changed. You like it when we play your mobile for you and Daddy oftens plays with you a bit while you are on the change table. You are always looking around and very interested in everything.

You also try and hold your head up all the time. You are very strong. We think you are trying to grow up too fast. You look around, try and stay awake all the time and act like you want to stand and sit. But we are happy for you to go back to being a sleepy little baby. There is no need to grow up too quickly baby boy.

You have had a lot of people come and see you, give you gifts and cards and both your grandmas stay with you. You are very loved. Daddy and I are looking forward to seeing what colour your eyes and hair turn out and what kind of a little person you will be.
You are a challenge and a joy and we are looking forward to every new milestone with you,
Lots of love and kisses and hugs