I have started to slow down a lot. I am still able to move around fairly easily. Except rolling over in bed! Who knew a big belly would lead to so much grunting and groaning for one simple turn in bed! But I do tire more quickly. So I have been having lots of knitting breaks. Knitting is the perfect hobby for pregnancy because you can sit on the couch, watch a movie and still be doing something. Luckily a few of my teacher friends are on school holidays, so they have been joining me for marathon DVD watching, knitting sessions. We have had 2 six hour sessions this week!
Adam decided he would wear a scarf if it was nice and simple. So I chose some yarn that I knew he would like and am doing a simple rib pattern. It is a good, mindless project to work on.

It has been so cold here in Victoria that I decided baby would need some more wooly hats to stay snuggly. So using patterns from 'Itty-Bitty Hats' by Susan B. Anderson, I made these two baby hats:

Knitting really is a good way to relax while waiting for baby. In fact Adam's scarf is begging me to finish it now. The question is; which movie do I watch next?
Those hats are so cute. I love them. The next movie to watch is "Twilight" in preparation for "New Moon" naturally :) Or you could watch all the Harry Potter movies getting ready for "Half Blood Prince". xxxx
How about '30 days of night' a delightful little thriller set in alaska, similar to twilight but without the romance
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