Next year, when my knitting skills have hopefully improved further, I want to attempt a new scarf for him which is a bit more detailed.
Like this:
or this:
Both are from a book called "scarfSTYLE" by Pam Allen. If I post it on here I might remember the challenge I set myself.
Baby is due this week. We are doing a lot of speculating on whether it will arrive on time or late.
At 40 weeks:
:: I am still not too uncomfortable but feeling off balance
:: having a few restless nights. Getting up to go to the toilet 5-6 times a night is not fun!
:: get a backache very easily, especially when making the bed or cleaning
:: still wanting to clean and organise and clean some more in preparation.
:: the most hungry I have been throughout the pregnancy and drinking about 3 glasses of milk a day and eating a hunk-of-cheese! I would also happily eat a block of chocolate a day. This baby better not be lactose intolerant!
:: have finally got around to packing my bag for hospital. It has been on my to-do list for weeks now. I am going to charge the camera and put it into the labour bag so it is likely I won't do anymore blog posts until baby comes along (however long that may be, it doesn't feel like he/she is going anywhere, anytime soon!).
So the next time I post will hopefully be to introduce our new family member.
Oh, I can't wait! Good luck Nise, take as many drugs as you can and I hope the little bub slides on out:)
I love this blog. You sound so happy and excited. I will be there soon - just tell baby to wait. We are very excited too and can hardly wait. xxx
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