Adam and I are preparing for our first Christmas together as husband and wife.
First there was Adam's Christmas work party. Where we got all spruced up (but forgot to take a photo of ourselves in our finery!) and started the first of our Christmas baubles collection. There were a lot of decorations spread out on the tables and as we were leaving we realised they were free for the taking. We started loading my "too small" bag with them. Then our pockets, hands, my shawl and anything else that could serve as a vessel! Another couple also collecting a few trinkets were laughing at us and, after finding out we were newlyweds in need of decorations, they too began loading us up. Adam and I stumbled to the train station loaded with gold and glitter. Luckily they are plastic and very bouncy- a few stray baubles went bouncing down the road on they way.

there was some gingerbread making...

Adam and I are also very proud of our first Christmas decoration purchased together. Our lovely Angel with fibre optic wings! She now proudly resides on the top of our tree.

And a whole lot more baking. I am so proud to have finally made some cupcakes that do not look like volcanoes! These will be decorated for Christmas lunch tomorrow with some rellies (they are chocolate and cinnamon..yum!)

While Mum was down for a week she helped me get a tree (from an interesting Christmas tree farm!) and decorate it. I will show some photos later.
I will be back after Christmas with a full update of our fisrt Christmas together. Much love and peace to you all for a wonderful Christmas.