Friday 20 April 2012

Saturday 12 November 2011

Sunday 30 October 2011

Now and Then

Another old post that I had saved and never finished.But the photos are too cute not to share!
Now and then at Melbourne Zoo (21 months old,  4 months old).

As Arthur approaches his second birthday there are a few things I want to remember before he grows up too much. 

Things I want to remember:

::The way he says more. Sometimes more quietly with a question mark at the end…more? . Sometimes loud and demanding in threes…more, more, more.  Sometimes full of self assurance and certainty….one simple more.

::His cackle laugh.

::When you tell him to smile for the camera he scrunches up his face and 'smiles' with his eyes. 

::"Hiya" the way he says hello.

Monday 24 October 2011

When I was two, I was hardly new

It has been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. My computer was out of commission for awhile and frankly I needed a bit of quiet. I had these photos already to go and saved but then my unintentional break happened and I never added the words- and so, for a few months, it was forgotten. But I do love looking back at this little journal and seeing our little life story unfold. So here are some photographs from Artie's 2nd birthday. 

There was a boat ride to Southbank, some chocolate pizza for lunch, playing in the sand and water at Soutbank and cake at home. There was also a lovely family party at the park the next day. 

We have a delightful two year old now. 

Sunday 17 July 2011

crepe paper art

All you need is some water, a spray bottle, crepe paper and cardboard.
We sticky taped the crepe paper onto the piece of white cardboard and then sprayed. Once it dried we peeled off crepe paper and had a cool artwork to display at home.
We will have to try some different patterns next.

Arthur loved spraying the spray bottle best but got a shock each time it hit him in the face!