Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Join us

On a typical Sunday afternoon walk. 

Down the big hill.

Along the creek.

To the park.

To build (a pretend) fire.

Throw the ball.
And fly on the swings. Although, I must mention, that swinging can be dangerous territory with our boy. Somedays he has a bast. But sometimes, boy-oh-boy, do we get a doozy of a meltdown. He is so very particular about how he wants to be pushed, how high and where we should stand. If we missed the memo he is one unhappy chap!

Adam and Artie spend most afternoons at the park. I often stay home to clean/cook/have a bath. But occasionally- usually on a Sunday afternoon- I remember to go. I always have a great time when I do and enjoy hanging out with my boys. This is my favourite walk.

I hope you enjoyed our walk. I want to squirrel it away in my memories forever and hold onto that happy feeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it.