Mum and Dad have lived in something like 28 homes in just over 30 years of marriage (something like that isn't it Mum?). In all the houses that I remember they always made it feel like home, even if they are renting. Adam and I are up to 4 homes in four years of marriage, so I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I hope my own children always feel that our home is somewhere they want to be.
Recently Artie and I spent a few nights at Gran and Grumps' while Adam was away with work. Sometimes I find photographs are so much better at expressing what I am trying to say- so enjoy. 

Fantastic photos, Denise. Dad and I counted the places we have lived. It is actually 16. I count all the packing and unpacking to come to the larger figure. So 16 places makes 32 times that tedious job and some of them between continents! :)
Lovely- Mum and Dad do always make it feel like home wherever they are. I think I do the same thing- I always like to have our things out on display, put flowers up and have the house nice....its all thanks to Mum and Dad. Now I just need to make the farm my own and it will be perfect!
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