the reason for the absence...

I have been cooking up a new addition to the family. It should be ready in about 6 months or so. We are very excited! I have been tired and busy but only had a few sick days which I am thankful for. The blue cross on the test has faded a bit but I can't throw it out! This is the first test I took while Adam was at work. I had to wait a whole day to share the news with someone. I told Adam to go have a look in the bathroom, he thought I had broken something so was very surprised to find the positive test. We couldn't stop laughing and smiling.

Adam has been busy nurturing his own creation. His lemon tree. He proudly showed me his first batch of lemons. It is just about the right size for a fairy tea party.
And of course I have to say Happy Australia Day! We went to the beach early to celebrate this morning. It was a beautiful and sparkly day and we had some quiet time before the train loads of crowds started pouring onto the beach. We laid around, read books and played catch in the sea. It was a wonderful reminder of the relaxed lifestyle we love in Australia.

Now we are listening to music and pottering around enjoying our public holiday (another things we Australians hold dear to our hearts!) Since we don't have gas for the barbecue we are going to give a nod to our neighbours across the ocean and have home made rice paper rolls for dinner in honour of the Chinese New Year. Although I guess we should have been having
Wishing everyone a true blue relaxing day, no matter where in the world you are.