Here goes the first installment of our honeymoon saga. I will try to keep this brief- a few pictures and a few words- but it will be very difficult, It was a fantastic trip. I will do a wedding post later on- after we have our professional shots. But you can see some photos
here and
Our honeymoon was a great way to start our married life together. We had to work together 24/7 for three weeks. We realised we had never spent such a long time together, just the two of us, without the interruption of work. We learnt about geography, Italian culture and language. I think it is the only way to really learn and understand- actually being in a different country, looking at a map and a guide book everyday. We walked miles, made our bags go four wheel driving ( Italy is not built for travellers with wheelie bags!), tried our hand at speaking a little (very little) Italian, enjoyed each others company and discovering together.
Day 1:

Sitting in a park in front of a castle. Adam writing down a phone message word for word in Italian. Feeling very tired and in need of a wash and a teeth brushing. Trying to get checked in to our bed and breakfast accommodation.

With our accommodation finally worked out, our bags safely stowed away and feeling nice and fresh, we headed over to the Castle Sant'Angelo and watched the sunset over the Vatican City and Saint Peter's Basilica (first photo in post below) from the top the castle.

If you look at this photo large you can see the Tomb of the Unkown Soldier and a bit of the Colesseum behind it.

Lovely photos. Looking forward to more.XXX
Hey Nise, Welcome back! I love the photos...can't wait to see more and hear about your adventures:)
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