Be prepared for a long one, we jammed a lot into two days! As Adam said 'the best way to describe Rome is BIG.' Larger then life, huge, ginormous, made for Gods hence there is no way to keep it short.
Rome: Day 2

We started of at the Spanish Steps. I haven't included a photo of the steps because they were rather uninspiring. A lot of tourist and a lot of steps. The angel in the courtyard, however, was rather inspiring.

The Trevi Fountain was next. This involved flipping coins over our shoulders, making wishes, eating Gelati, elbowing other tourists for a spot and being in awe of the very cool fountain.

The Pantheon (I need to mention that we walked from each place to the next- and even walked in the complete wrong direction to the Spanish steps- I have never walked so much in my life!). I saw a real life pick pocket here. He stood right behind the woman and unzipped her bag, he wasn't a very good thief because I saw him and the woman felt him do it. Adam and I stood back and watched him and he smiled at me and then dissapeared.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier next. Again very big and impressive.

The Roman Forum. We were very tired by now, it was extremely hot but again it was still just so amazing.

We ended the day with the all important Colosseum. The most amazing thing is imagining all the crazy things they did, imagining it actually flooded and animals coming out of trap doors, just crazy! Then, after all that walking, it was time to head home on the train and collapse in bed.
Rome: Day 3
Our last day in Rome.

A tour of the Vatican City and Saint Peter's Basilica. The wealth and splendour of art was amazing. The ammount of people and line ups were even more awe inspiring!

The Pope's balcony.
This time we tried to not do as much in one day so we went home for a nap and then headed out to the zoo.

Where we were a little worried about the fencing around the tiger enclosure!

We ended the day at the beautiful Villa Borghese looking at outstanding art. It was just before closing time (one hour before) and so peaceful. My travel tip would be, whenever possible, go to things just before closing time. The impact of the villa and the art are incredible when the place is almost empty.
And so ends our adventures in Rome.
1 comment:
All I can say is WOW :) You have managed to pack so much into seeing as much of Rome as you can in so few days. Needless to say I am soooo envious. Great photos and lovely
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