Wednesday, 5 September 2007

::making me happy wednesday::

I am enjoying this 'making me happy' series. It helps me forget about the pile of marking and loose ends that need sorting out before I leave for Queensland. It seems slowly but surely, with the warmer weather and sunnier skies, Adam and I are slipping into holiday mode. Conveniently forgetting about those two and a half weeks working days still left.

anyway enough about that and onto what is making me happy today.
::artwork and photos around the home

::this particular artwork was created by a year 11 art class from my last teaching job. It was a goodbye present that they collaboratively worked on. It hangs in the kitchen so that at the end of a particularly bad day, when I am unwinding with a glass of wine and preparing dinner, I can look up to the painting and remember the parts of teaching I love. Being a teacher is such a rollercoaster ride. Some days it seems like the hardest job in the world, a real struggle and so demanding. Having thirty kids yelling "Miss...Miss...MISS...Help me, I need you" all day long, detentions at lunch times, paperwork, discipline and difficult parents to deal with, can all be thoroughly draining. But this is a "making me happy" post and it is true that it can be utterly rewarding at other times. Thirty beautifully executed paintings hanging on a wall, kids smiling as you walk across the yard offering help, telling you a story and the thank-you's (like this painting hanging on my wall reminding me of those parts of teaching daily)

:: A corner on my bookshelf displaying loved ones and wedding inspiration.

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