The negatives: A very long week of work. A messy, messy desk. A lot of long, lonoooong drives to and from work (one evening took just over TWO hours, isn't that ridiculous?!)
The positives: I am finally getting organised at work (despite the chaos that is my desk). Some very nice compliments and words of encouragement. Some fabulous hand sculptures from a bunch of 15 year olds. Feeling more comfortable and settled in. Getting home nice and early on a Friday afternoon. The weekend and tickets for a Jet concert at the Palais Theatre arriving. And some more successful and this time yummier Muesli Bar/Muffins.
Yes, there are definitely a lot more positives!
So glad you are sounding more up this week. Keep up the good work with the cooking XXXOOOXXX
Your muffins look scrumptious![that's a big word for me to spell with my slow typing]! love Lal x
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