I started this blog mainly because my Mum started her own live journal auntyjan (http://auntyjan.livejournal.com/) and thought it would be good if I had one to keep her up to date - I know, I know...mum is more cyber aware then I am. There were two main reason I was apprehensive about starting this blog. The first reason being the content - 'what do I write?" and "why would someone read it?" I have however realised that a blog spot can be a great place to have your own little cyber studio...a way to create and share that was not possible a few years ago unless you had a lot of money.
The second reason is the actual writing itself. When it comes to writing I agonise over spelling and grammar. I also find it extremely difficult to write something that is not an essay...I went through my studies using other peoples quotes to express my views. Any creative writing I did took place in my earlier years of schooling, where it seemed the more airy-fairy, flowery, verbal diarrhoea one could produce the better the grade would be. Needless to say I was crap at this. Anyhow what better way to overcome this phobia than by posting a blog which can be accessed by anyone who so chooses. This way I have no choice but to let people read what I write!
Here's to never starting a blog entry with ' I woke this morning to the sound of waves lapping against the cliffs, a lone seagulls cries pierced the air like a knife and the sunlight filtering through the window gently kissed my cheek.'