Sunday, 30 October 2011

Now and Then

Another old post that I had saved and never finished.But the photos are too cute not to share!
Now and then at Melbourne Zoo (21 months old,  4 months old).

As Arthur approaches his second birthday there are a few things I want to remember before he grows up too much. 

Things I want to remember:

::The way he says more. Sometimes more quietly with a question mark at the end…more? . Sometimes loud and demanding in threes…more, more, more.  Sometimes full of self assurance and certainty….one simple more.

::His cackle laugh.

::When you tell him to smile for the camera he scrunches up his face and 'smiles' with his eyes. 

::"Hiya" the way he says hello.

1 comment:

Janine said...

I love these 2 photos. What good memories!