Things are starting to look ready for a baby around here. We have bought everything we can think of needing for now and have started organising and cleaning in preparation. We are just waiting on the crib we ordered to come in. I definitely have the nesting bug and am forever finding new things to scrub, even the doorknobs haven't escaped my frenzy!
The spare room/ baby room has an amazing bed in it for guests. See the stripy box, it has a bed folded up inside it. What a great invention! So we are ready for all the guests coming from Queensland to meet the new addition.
I have also been doing a lot of sewing, knitting and painting.I can't stop making things for baby, it is so much fun to create and dream of the little person I am making it for. I made this quick little quilt one cold Saturday. It has an op-shopped fleece blanket on the back and was sewn up quickly with minimal measuring. So we will call it a modern baby quilt, not following any strict rules.
While I am mentioning op-shopping I have to show these shoes I got the other day for $1. I think they are the cutest thing in the world! I hope they will be the right size for when baby starts walking.
And lastly, me and the bump at 35 weeks pregnant. Feeling very full of baby. We think he/she will be great on the monkey bars because it feels like it is constantly swinging on my ribs.
Well there you go, a random post, with a lot of rambling! I will have to try and get back in the habit so my posts are more succinct. Hope you enjoyed the hapazard update. Maybe it is just showing how my pregnant brain is operating at the moment!
1 comment:
Everything looks wonderful darling, including you.XXX
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