One more knitting project that I finished up today. The pattern comes from 'The Big Book of Kids' Knits' by Zoe Mellor. Now we have a new little addition to our bed.

I changed the face to include some scrap fabric. In part to hide the messy seams, and also just because it looked cute.

I am flying to Queensland tomorrow to visit family and then Adam and I head to Vanuatu shortly thereafter. So things may be a little quiet on the blog for awhile. As I ate lunch today (complete with an umbrella in my juice to get me in the mood!) I planned and dreamt about my holidays. We will be in Vanuatu for a week. It is the first time we have ever stayed in one place for a whole week. We usually hire a car and zoom all over the place. Adam is calling this our babymoon and it involves a week of beach going and relaxing before we have a new little being in our lives.

While eating lunch and reading about Vanuatu I made a list of what I plan to do there and thought I would share:
1. Sleeping
2. Eating
3. Daily swims in the ocean
4. Snorkeling
5. Baby bump bonding
6. Reading
7. Relaxing
8. Playing boggle, cranium, the pig game
9. Drawing
10. Relaxing
11. Enjoying good company
12. Talking
13. Exploring
14. and did I mention relaxing?
I am looking forward to all the adventures March is bringing my way.