Mum new about my renewed interest and gave me a knitting book for christmas. An even better present was the time she spent with me teaching me how to purl and read a pattern.I came up with one lone slipper (it was really to big to be called a bootee!). Since then I have completed my own pair of bootees.

The pattern called for cats but I changed them into mice.
Mum sent me a pair of cute white bootees she made from the same book. They are so small!
And one of the mentioned friends from my stitch'n'bitch group made me this hat. It is called the umbilical cord hat. It is very soft and tiny.

It is so much fun to look at baby knits and they are quite quick to whip up. I love knitting away and imaging what the little person who will wear it will be like. It seems everyone else likes to knit for babies too. Lucky the baby is being born in winter. Let's hope it is a cold one.
Now onto the next project!
Well done Denise. Those booties look so cute. You are a good student and as it turns out a very good knitter. Your tension is very good - (that bit is just for knitters). Keep up the good work. Something lacy next! xxx
Those booties you knitted are gorgeous and Mum's booties are beautiful too. The photos from NZ are lovely- it's such a scenic country!
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