I have been away from this little space for too long. There have been too many other worries keeping me busy. See that box below? That is a box of marking that I have taken home to complete (hopefully) this weekend. And see the black folders to the side of the box? Yes, another pile of folios to be marked! So what do you do if you have to mark ALL that work?

Why you indulge in a few of these!

Well, maybe not all of them at once. Adam and I bought these today as research. Yes, research, for the wedding. We bought 4 bottles of Italian wine, 2 white and 2 red, and one pink Australian wine. We tried the more expensive red tonight and it was very nice indeed. If they are all this good we may have trouble deciding on which ones we want at the wedding. The reason for the indulgence, apart from research of course, was that we had a bit of an unsuccessful trip to the suit hire shop. A very strange man, with a handle bar moustache, didn't seem too keen on measuring Adam up for his suit. As he ushered us out we realised the store was closing, perhaps that is why he was so keen for us to come back in a couple of months. So since we were not as successful as we had hoped with one aspect of the wedding we sought accomplishment in
Dan Murphy's. Which is without a doubt the largest liquor shop, with the best prices, I have ever been in.
So I guess it is back to marking...with a bit of research on the side.