I am still in the progress of getting some photos of the new place up (there may still be a few spots I haven't mentioned that need a little more work). Job hunting is going depressingly slow...bad, I am not sure which? So in the meantime I will share some pictures of my wedding journal with you. As an art student and teacher I have many, many journals filled with art ideas and inspirations, that I often go back to for ideas or teaching stimulus. They have had many names, scrapbooks, art diary, art journal, idea books and they have followed me wherever I move.
However the idea for a wedding journal came from my sister. She was married last year and had a beautiful journal that she kept all her ideas and inspiration in. Inspired by her i started my own. I was sitting here working on it and thought I would share some pages. I highly recomend keeping a journal of some form or another, they are a great outlet for ideas and so enjoyable to look through a few weeks, months or even years later.
Your wedding journal looks gorgeous Nice. It is fun to look back on...I still look back at mine and smile. Your wedding will be perfect I know it and I can imagine your ideas coming together really well already. Love Corinne:)
Looking good 'Nise. Your journal will keep the memory alive. Love Mum
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